Asset Management CX Data Readiness Check – free tool

asset management CX Data Readiness Check - free tool

Want to promote the excellence of your CX?

There is now an asset management CX benchmark – called the Client Behavior Benchmark – that pinpoints, in time and money, where your pre- and post-sale experience out and underperforms.

As a result, a growing number of firms know the quantitative standards they need to meet in order to stand out from the crowd and make public statements about the excellence of their CX.

If you want to join them this page is for you.

The Accomplish asset management Client Behavior Benchmark

It lets you download the asset management CX Data Readiness Check so you can get your CX data in order and discover where you outperform.

To excel, you need an external comparison

Fully informed, firms in the Benchmark are exploiting newly discovered strengths on their client journeys and developing ways to ensure their unique CX continues to stand out against external comparison.

Basically, it shows firms how their clients see them, which is not always the same as how they see themselves.

To achieve this, they use Accomplish’s Helix© Taxonomy of CX Data to 1) extract the right information from their systems and Accomplish’s Client Behavior Benchmark to 2) gain actionable and dollarizable insights.

As firms compete for outperformance, the averages evolve every quarter making it harder to excel without access to this dataset.

Get your CX data in order

In a digital era, there is no way for you to avoid the task of getting your CX data in order. And, if you are embarking on a CX initiative, we recommend you do this early so any CX design work is informed by an objective evaluation of the status quo.

Free tool: the asset management CX Data Readiness Check

To help you, we have developed the asset management CX Data Readiness Check.

It is a free tool that will guide you through the process of preparing your CX data:

  1. Identify and engage your stakeholders.
  2. Assess the state of your data in comparison with the requirements of the Helix©.
  3. Define any tasks needed to strengthen your data.
Asset Management CX Data Readiness Check

So you can get started immediately regardless of your technology stack and without worrying about entering your data into a third-party system, we provide it in a nice and simple MS Excel format.

Download a copy here and secure the following benefits for your firm:

  • Gather the right pre- and post-sale CX data and be sure it is clean.
  • Reduce your onboarding time into the Benchmark.
  • Maximize the insights you gain from the Benchmark by minimizing your data gaps.

Key use cases

  • Define your scope – the asset management CX Data Readiness Check will help you decide if you are interested in the pre- and/or post-sale client experience and assess the impact on your stakeholders.
  • Identify the client behaviors in the Helix© that apply to your business – over 3 years, more than 200 subject matter experts from across the global asset management industry have contributed to the Helix© and the firms in the Benchmark continue to update it regularly. So let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.
  • Assess the availability and quality of the data you need.
  • Define any actions needed to strengthen your data – common ones include achieving the full timeframe for your data (to smooth out volatility), developing plans to fill any data gaps, and identifying automation requirements to eliminate any manual manipulations.
Picture of Adam Grainger

Adam Grainger

Behavioral analytics | Business intelligence | Asset management

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Intermediary Client Behavior Benchmark

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asset management CX Data Readiness Check - free tool

Asset Management CX Data Readiness Check

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