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Achieving strategic change


Did you know that 70% of change initiatives fail?

Strategic change is key to competitive edge, so we researched why and how to improve success rates.

Here are the key findings:

  • Nine out of ten industry professionals agree ‘strategic change’ differs to ‘BAU change’, and it matters.
  • A good start is pivotal, with almost 90% of the solutions to the most common problems being best addressed near the start.
  • Just over 40% of the solutions related to soft skills.

Accomplish’s core capabilities are aligned with the findings of this research and with the needs of the investment industry.

Have a look at our research and find out how to stack the odds in your favour.

Picture of Adam Grainger

Adam Grainger

Behavioral analytics | Business intelligence | Asset management
asset management CX Data Readiness Check - free tool

Asset Management CX Data Readiness Check

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Fundamentals of CX for B2B asset managers 2024 update download

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