Exclusive consulting partnerships

At Accomplish, we recognize that some asset managers may need support, whether with developing and implementing strategies to respond to their Client Behavior Benchmark results, or with organizing their client behavior data.

To meet this need, Accomplish maintains exclusive behavioral consulting partnerships with Baringa and KWP Consulting.

We do this to give asset managers access to specialist firms that are purpose-built to provide advisory services. These consulting firms understand behavioral benchmarking data and have a ‘hotline’ relationship with Accomplish’s behavioral and data scientists through which they can ensure they interpret the findings correctly.

Why doesn’t Accomplish provide consulting services? Because it is of utmost importance to us – and to our core values – that we have no conflict of interest when we present our insights, hypotheses, and recommendations to clients.

If we extract the data, how do we truthfully also check its quality? And if we profit from consulting engagements, how do we make sure our recommendations are objective? Our expertise is the benchmark and the stories its data tells; our trusted partners are available to help asset managers leverage the results.

What do we look for in a partner? From all the possible management consulting firms, we chose Baringa and KWP Consulting because they have key individuals with in-depth industry knowledge of the issues that marketing, sales, and service teams face, and because the chemistry works: they share our values, and we trust them completely with the Accomplish brand.

Learn more about them here and ask us for an introduction if you would like support with strategy and implementation:

KWP Consulting.

Picture of Adam Grainger

Adam Grainger

Behavioral analytics | Business intelligence | Asset management
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