This article explores the 5 biggest reasons why CX initiatives fail. For each one, we define the mistake, explain why it is a problem, and then present a known solution. We then introduce a new podcast series that will examine more broadly the challenges financial services companies face when implementing CX initiatives.
- Adam Grainger
In this article, we introduce the benefits of CX benchmarking, provide links for further research, and demonstrate them using the scenario of a post-merger integration. CX benchmarking will deliver these benefits, regardless of whether your firm is going through a merger. But we chose this scenario because it is one of the biggest challenges an asset manager can face and it will be relevant to many firms.
- Adam Grainger
Every quarter, Accomplish benchmarks the client experience of asset management firms from around the globe. We look end-to-end – from digital and in-person engagement to sales conversion, client service, and relationship management. Here’s an insider’s view of 5 of the 30 recently unearthed insights, focusing on the early stages of the client journey.
- Adam Grainger
It has long been known that there are different types of behavior. Now, unique data about asset management client behavior has inspired a new way to win. To summarize, engagement is a category of behavioral responses to stimuli that you can initiate. These responses take place within and across the different settings that comprise your sales funnel and client journey. To win, you will need to be expert in maintaining and escalating engagement.
- Adam Grainger
When Accomplish launched the revolutionary Client Behavior Benchmark in 2021, we committed to continually improve the value of our insights to asset managers.
As the latest delivery of that promise, we are proud to announce the Client Behavior Benchmark 2.0 that will feature 3 categories of upgrades to be implemented over the next few quarters.
- Adam Grainger
The UK’s Consumer Duty obliges firms to consider client behavior and prove good outcomes. The institutional Client Behavior Benchmark does precisely this. Read on for our plan to roll out an Intermediary Client Behavior Benchmark for the UK market in 2025.
- Adam Grainger
No one disagrees with the importance of client experience (CX) in asset management, but how can you galvanize people into action? We believe the case is three-fold: excel to stay ahead of your competitors, make money, and comply with the UK’s Consumer Duty – a market most asset managers serve.
- Adam Grainger
How can Marketing flow seamlessly into Sales? See your pre-sale client experience as a set of client behaviors you can stimulate and convert. This way encourages collaboration and avoids a disjointed and leaky funnel. You will know your funnel is working when clients give more time and money to your brand than to the average asset management firm. This is precisely what the Client Behavior Benchmark will tell you.
- Adam Grainger
How can you “oversee client behavior at every stage of the journey and provide evidence that you have achieved good outcomes” in asset management? Why is this important? #ConsumerDuty To understand the theory, see it in action with real data, and get an insight into the future direction of travel, watch Adam Grainger’s presentation to Digital Client Engagement 2024. DCE is the invitation-only forum for Heads of Digital Marketing and Client Engagement from Europe’s top asset managers.
- Adam Grainger