
in time and money,

where your CX out- and under-performs

Asset management client experience

The business case for asset management client experience (CX)

Over-supply of investment products has diminished previously reliable ways of differentiating an asset management business: product performance, pricing, and brand.

One reliable differentiator remains – the experience you give to your clients, and it is controllable, incremental, and commercial.

Adam Grainger, Founder and MD of Accomplish, explains asset management client engagement and why it matters at the 2024 Summit for Asset Management (TSAM) in Singapore.

What is
asset management client experience?

CX is an ‘effect’ that your company ‘causes’

It manifests itself in what clients say (feedback) and what they do (behavior) across your end-to-end client journey. So, to manage it, your CX team must have authority to convene cross-functional initiatives.

Feedback and behavior are two sides of the same coin

Client feedback (aka the ‘voice of the client’) is essential, but it will contain gaps and inaccuracies and is available less frequently than behavioral data, which is complete, already in your systems, and measurable without disrupting clients. Therefore, you should complete your client insights with behavioral data. 

How client experience works

CX operates on the emotional level where only the extraordinary gets remembered, shared, and discussed.




 or be forgotten.

Your success will show in your numbers

No matter how unique your client journey, the effectiveness of your CX will show in their behavior – their digital engagement, their in-person engagement, and the rates at which they buy, stay, and buy more.

The Client Behavior Benchmark

At Accomplish, we run the Client Behavior Benchmark that lets asset managers discover, in time and money, where their CX out- and underperforms.

If your CX underperforms at engaging clients, they will give their time to your competitors … and then their money.

“If another asset manager is having an enviable effect on the behavior of our client, we want to know so we can exceed it, emulate it, or defend against it.”

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