CX governance and KPIs: current state
Key findings of a survey to define the nature of one of the industry’s biggest CX-related issues
What we did
In December 2019, we surveyed members of the Asset Management Client Experience (CX) Forum to establish the current state of CX Governance and KPIs in use.
We know from our research into the Accomplish CX Maturity Benchmark findings that the EMEA Institutional market has a particular weakness in CX Governance and KPIs.
The CX Forum exists to solve the industry-wide CX issues. As a result, Accomplish is performing a research project for the members of the CX Forum to identify the most valuable CX KPIs and to develop best practice guidance on the governance arrangements asset managers should have in place to oversee them.
This project matters because a firm cannot use CX as a source of strategic differentiation until it can first define, measure and explain what CX means for its business.
What was the result?
The survey received a 71% response rate, which created a consistent and holistic dataset that explains how firms are defining, managing and measuring CX today.
Participating firms have learned about the common measures in use, how effective they are considered to be, and what the firms at the leading edge of CX in B2B asset management are doing.
What were the main findings?
We save the detailed findings and response plans for our member firms, but here are some of the high-level findings:
- 75% of respondents reported that their current CX Governance and KPI arrangements have no positive effect. This implies they receive no benefit from the effort invested or, worse, they may be receiving false comfort.
- There is a general lack of design in what firms are doing (80% of respondents) and we link that to strategy and believe it is an important reason why firms are reporting ineffective KPIs. For example, only 25% of firms have a strategic reason for monitoring their CX.
- Firms are tracking a mix of metrics and the survey highlighted some critical gaps, particularly concerning external data. Of the internal metrics that are commonly in use, most are not measurements of CX – rather they are sales or service measures.
All participants were CX Forum members whose firms already recognise the importance of CX (regardless of where they are on their CX journey). As a result, we expect these findings to be representative of ‘innovator’ and ‘early adopter’ firms.
It is our working assumption that the broader market will have lower levels of recognition of the significance of CX.
Immediate next steps
This survey was part of the CX Forum’s broader research project to solve one of the industry’s most important CX-related issues: how to define, measure and explain CX.
CX Forum
How can we solve industry-wide issues? And what are others doing?
CX Maturity Benchmark
A holistic definition of CX in the context of B2B asset management. It is based on the different building blocks and stages of maturity of CX. It is refreshed 3 times per year.