CX Fundamentals

Asset Management CX Fundamentals

We know you understand the commercial imperative of CX, but there is much confusion around the industry – do your colleagues get it?  Check out these  CX Fundamentals resources on topics such as … what CX is, how it works, and the differences between B2C and B2B CX.

Why asset management CX
CX fundamentals
Adam Grainger

Why asset management CX? And why now?

Survival requires differentiation and, for asset managers, the old ways have become unreliable. To address the root cause, firms should shift from being ‘product-led’ to ‘client-led’ and redress any internal imbalance. CX is here to stay and it’s a good thing: you will get what YOU want, by helping clients get what THEY want.

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CX in a B2B environment
CX fundamentals
Sean Brady

B2B client experience (CX) is different to B2C

As individuals, our transactions with B2C firms have taught us to expect outstanding client experience (CX). However, CX in a B2B relationship has additional features to it over and above B2C and they make B2B CX more complicated and protracted, but still entirely achievable if you use an appropriate model.

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How client experience works
CX fundamentals
Sean Brady

How asset management client experience works

CX operates on the emotional level where, when it comes to decisions about buying, staying and to consuming more, a good experience is forgettable and only the extraordinary counts. This is a huge opportunity for those asset managers who are ready to seize it.

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What is Client Experience
CX fundamentals
Adam Grainger

What is client experience?

Client experience is a client’s overall impression of you as a supplier. It is personal, subjective, open to influence, sometimes irrational, and subject to change as a result of any and every interaction they have with your firm. We advocate deliberate ‘expectation-setting’ and ‘sweating the small stuff’ as well as glory projects.

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Use CX to secure competitive advantage
asset management CX Data Readiness Check - free tool

Asset Management CX Data Readiness Check

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