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How asset managers segment and tier their clients

How asset managers segment and tier their clients

How asset managers segment

In Q3 2020, we researched how asset managers segment their institutional clients and the benefits it brings them.

We initiated the project after a discussion at a CX Forum meeting about how firms manage the different needs of different clients.

18 recognisable asset management brands participated.

On the project, we used the CX Forum’s ‘fireside chat’ process with third-party facilitation and record-keeping to ensure no doubt could arise that anything other than clients’ general interests was discussed.

This format enabled us to gather statistically-valid data and perspectives from heads of marketing, product, CX, digital design, relationship management, client service, client satisfaction, and COOs.

The result was a clear picture of how asset managers segment their clients.

Check out the findings  if you’re interested in learning things like the proportion of firms that tier and / or segment their institutional clients, how many gain strategic value from their efforts, and how.

Follow Accomplish on LinkedIn 

This was the last blog in a 3-part series on how asset managers segment and tier their clients.

  1. Is there any difference between segmentation and tiering? 
  2. Applying segmentation and tiering for asset managers 
  3. Latest research: current industry segmentation and tiering practices

We hope you find our research useful. If you do, follow us on LinkedIn.

Solving industry-wide issues together 

As a discipline, CX is still in its infancy. This is particularly the case in the context of business-to-business (B2B) asset management.

Accomplish is an information services company that has the privilege of chairing the CX Forum of asset managers who are committed to extending the leading edge of client experience across the industry. 

Previous research projects have shone a light on the relative strength of firms’ CX capabilitiescurrent practices in measuring CX, and how asset managers listen to the voice of their clients

Picture of Adam Grainger

Adam Grainger

Behavioral analytics | Business intelligence | Asset management
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