The asset management sales funnel is an hourglass

The asset management sales funnel is an hourglass that comprises buying, staying, and buying more. This is important because a traditional sales funnel that only includes ‘buying’ would expose an asset manager to the risk of lower growth. The Behavioral Benchmark is now helping firms see where on this end-to-end sales funnel they out- and under-perform their peers. Click for more information about this upgrade.

ROI of business intelligence

The ROI of business intelligence

Staff in asset management firms are under renewed pressure to do more with less, yet they already had almost no spare bandwidth. Here are some real-world examples of 2022 efficiency initiatives that do not involve further cuts to bandwidth. This is the second blog in Accomplish’s two-part series on the ROI of business intelligence (BI).

The Accomplish behavioral analytics platform

See your end-to-end effect relative to peers on whether clients are buying, staying, or buying more. Identify your highest priorities, greatest strategic opportunities, and biggest challenges. And then drill down into specific metrics, interact with the data, and leverage independent expert interpretations.

Asset management client tenure

Case study: A scientific approach to asset management client tenure

You always want average client tenure to go up, right? Wrong. As economic clouds gather, asset managers are focusing on how they will keep their clients. But, bluntly, your organization can only be half-serious about retaining clients unless it measures and interprets the age of their relationships. That’s where the Client Behavior Benchmark performs an essential function and, at Accomplish, we are pleased to share this 5-step framework for managing the dynamics of tenure data.

cost-effective business intelligence

The most cost-effective business intelligence on the market?

Here’s part 1 of a blog series on the ROI of BI – if you are involved in 2023 planning, you will need the best business intelligence (BI) and frequent updates in case you need to adjust your direction. And you will need it to deliver a return on investment (ROI) as you justify all spending. In this first blog, we present the asset management Behavioral Benchmark as the most cost-effective solution on the market.

Case study: align your BI with your business strategy

Is your business intelligence (BI) fit-for-purpose? Client behavior is the reliable indicator of demand, which is why the Behavioral Benchmark is helping leading asset managers solve real-world problems, like how to get clients to buy, stay, and buy more. This case study explores ‘staying’ and ‘buying more’, and records an asset manager’s journey to being able to measure and compare demand in the real world.

New behavioral analytics capabilities

New behavioral analytics capabilities

Asset managers are now using new behavioral analytics capabilities to make science-based improvements to their client journeys. They are exploiting the Behavioral Benchmark to convert previously unavailable business intelligence into commercial value. Read on for lots of examples.

behavior-driven distribution strategy

The behavior-driven distribution strategy

The annual planning season will soon be upon us but as Mike Tyson put it, “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Will you set yourself up to respond to the punches more effectively than your competitors? A behavior-driven distribution strategy is a cost-effective way to achieve this in a volatile environment: exploit relationships between client behaviors across segments, markets, and competitors.

Regional differences in client behavior

Regional differences in client behavior

Geographic location influences behavior, so asset managers are now comparing regional differences in client behavior. This is enabling them to optimise the alignment between their internal structures and geographic differences in their behavioral results.

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